News Wedmore

GW updates Spring 2022

​Help us achieve green focussed projects that are convivial, inclusive, local and achievable. and see and like our Facebook page.
We have a lot going on, read on to find out more!

The ‘Close to Home’ village cookbooks
Accentuating all that is local - a great present that showcases recipes from the Bellringers to The Brownies. On sale at The Cottage Gallery and the Wheatsheaf Smokehouse. You can also buy it on line at
The Street Fair
Green Wedmore will have a pitch at the Street Fair on Saturday 2nd July. Can you spare an hour to help on the stall
Wedmore Community Mapping - Somerset Environmental Records Centre (SERC)
Let’s record our nature data so we can show that our natural environment bouncing back in Wedmore.
Green Wedmore, collaborating with SERC, has launched the Wedmore Community Mapping scheme so everyone with a smart phone can learn and record all the amazing plants and animals we have in the parish. More information is on the SERC website here; . To take part you just need to register for iNaturalist on your computer here;  before downloading the iNaturalist and Seek apps on your phone (more info on those phone apps can be found here
Wedmore Solar 1000
22 roofs installed and 13 more booked in. Bravo to the team at Sunlit Solar for all they do for our community.
The Big Tidy Up
Watch out for the next Tidy Up in the late Autumn once the roadside growth has died down. With fresh impetus from Blackford, many new helpers from Wedmore and re-equipped by a donation of litter pickers from Thatchers Cider, we are well set to help keep the roads and lanes around the village clean and cared for.
Repair Café
There is a new hand on the tiller so watch out for the return of the Repair Café - probably on the last Saturday in November. If you are handy at mending things, please contact Green Wedmore and lend us a hand as we try to give fresh life to worn and damaged items
Wild for Wildlife in Wedmore
Have you ‘marked’ your garden yet? Help us make Wedmore as wildlife and carbon friendly as possible ……. garden by garden.
‘Top Tip’ – make sure that there is a way through from your garden to your neighbour’s garden so that hedgehogs can range and thrive
Email for the form
Somerset Food Trail 2022
Put the 15th to 24th July in your diaries. There will be 15 in the Wedmore cluster and other clusters all over the county allowing us to celebrate local, decently produced food and drink. Watch out for the maps, leaflets, and on-line info in the months to come and for the blue signs that will lead to you to the venues
Worthington Woods Food Forest
Go down soon and have a look as the Food Forest oozes with the summer sights and sounds of nature. Two outdoor meeting areas, bird boxes, bat boxes, hedgehog boxes and bee/bug hotels nestled in amongst the fruit trees and fruit bushes. This previously unloved and derelict land is turning into a real village asset.
If you have time to take on a specific task down there, please contact us. Otherwise see you perhaps at the regular monthly get togethers/work parties. On the first Saturday on each month from 4pm.
The First School
Green Wedmore are working with the school’s Green Council to help arrange class-by-class visits to Worthington Woods Food Forest, debates and assemblies.
A village Community Supported Agriculture Scheme
The gleam in Green Wedmore’s eye is for a village community agriculture scheme to bring food production as close to home as possible. On June 11th join us to look at similar farms elsewhere in the county
Contact David Hopkins ….
Wilder Churches
The diocese and Somerset Wildlife Trust have combined forces to make churchyards more wildlife friendly. Watch out for how you can help
Parish Council
The Parish Council do a great deal to support Green Wedmore and our local environment. They are short of councilors at present - can you play a part by becoming a parish councilor and help maintain the green momentum?
Green Wedmore Meetings
On the last Monday of every month at St Mary’s at 7.30pm ….. or at Worthington Woods Food Forest if the weather is good!
 Come along to see how you can help