Wild for Wildlife in Wedmore!
We are thrilled to introduce you to Green Wedmore's latest project, Wild for Wildlife in Wedmore (WWW)! We have adapted an idea from the amazing Transition Town Wellington team. This project is to help encourage and inform so we can all help more wildlife into our gardens and help protect the environment.
Please find an information booklet, competition (with prizes) and a map of the village showing where you may catch sight of an owl or hedgehog. Please please please have a go at the tick box competition in the image below. This competition is open to anyone living in the Isle of Wedmore.
Downloadable forms are here ready to go!
Wedmore Map
Wildlife in Wedmore Booklet
Competition Form
Once complete, email
stevemewes415@gmail.com with your score and address to me so I can pop you on the map and get your prize to you. Enjoy! Many thanks to Wedmore Parish Council for a good chunk of our funding.